(Saturday, October 11, 2003-)
+11:53 PM]*
# WaD a Dae....-
TodaE, I SoLVeD A ProBLeM... nEeD NoT Go To TheMe ParK... JuZ GoTTa briNG My CouSiN To MovIES....At ThE MovIEs, I SaW DiS HOT CHICK whOm I ToT WaS Sum1 I "kNeW" bUt HavE NevA MeT In PuBLiC BeForE(OnLy In MsN MessEngeR)....TuRnS OuT, It WasN't...DAMNIT!!!
Ohhhhhh ThE AgoNy.......
(Thursday, October 09, 2003-)
+6:15 AM]*
# Wierd Dream...-
Ok its 6 a.m now and i know i should steal some more sleep rather den be on my laptop typing this...But i juz had the wierdest dream...You know know most of the time the people you dream about are those you knew?All the people in my dream i did not know and it felt like a 'deja vu' dream...Hoppefully it is cos I dreamt that this woman was talking about filming ufos... And she's like this science-cum-nasa authority person who says it is possible and if u do see or get to film it, its gonna like cause many things like headaches,equipment malfunctioning, and i think she said head lice or sumthin...But on the other hand, if thats so, hopefully the ufos turn up in USA first so we get the info, they get the damage...=]...jk...But it gets wierder...Somehow me and my friend(whom i've never seen before) got to a spaceship and travelled to some other planet and one of my friends got beat up hard...Then i woke up...But the first part of the dream was so @#$%ing real...
(Wednesday, October 08, 2003-)
+9:34 PM]*
# 3rd Day of Exams...History...-
Damn exams...History paper felt like a kick in the gut...Very...Tired...Fell asleep once i reached home...Gotta study for science...AAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!! * GråBs HåiR*