(Saturday, November 08, 2003-)
+2:48 AM]*
# -
oops...forgot my quiz...

Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
+2:45 AM]*
# w-
GeeZ...WokE uP 8 N DeN FounD OuT mY BruTha DiDn'T WaNNa GoTo ThE GyM bUt DuN HoLd iT AgaInsT hIm cuS He GoTTa Go FoR TraIniNg TmL...I WeNt tO www.spinchat.com tO ChaT FrOm 8 tiL aboUt 11...AfTeR ThaT I PlaYeD GunBouNd TiL AboUt 12 AftEr BatHinG.TheN CaSSeY's MoM CamE AnD PiCkeD uS uP tO Go tO HeR HouSe...wE WeNt tO PicK uP heR BrO dEn WeNt tO EaT...InTendeD tO GoTo Macs, BuT DeRe WasN't A ParKinG LoT sO weNt tO HawKeR CenTer(wuN Go InTo DeTaiLs)...WheN wE ReaChEd HeR HouSe, wE WeNt uPSTaIrs tO UsE thE CoM FoR aWhiLe,(i DoWnLoaDeD GunBouNd iN tHeiR CoM =X) tHeN aS I StooD BeHinD CaSSeY, sHe sEd ChriStLe(heR SisTeR) WasN't too HappY AbouT That...I wAs LikE "WaD tHe...?!" BuT I StILL StePPeD BacK.TheN LatEr, aS tHeY(Cassey, mY SiS, ChriStLe) tOOk TurNs tO UsE ThE CoM, I kInDa WeNt tO SleeP oN tHe CouCh =X And WheN TheY DecIdeD tO GoTo ChriStLe's RooM tO PlaY CaRDs, i DeCiDeD tO StaY OuTsIdE tO pLaY gaMes...mY SiStEr ObJeCtEd bUt I DiDn'T GiVe A DaMn AbouT HeR OpInIoN...TheN CassEy DeCiDeD tO StaY OuTsIdE tO ReaD a BooK, BuT ChrIsTLe MaDe HeR gO IntO thE RooM tOO AgAin i ThouGhT "WaD The HeLL?!" BuT, AgaIn I DiDn'T dO aNythIng, The TussLe WeNt On fOr a FeW MoMeNts, ThEn It waS mI, UsInG tHe CoM aNd CaSSeY was NeXt tO mE ReaDinG a BooK...ThErE She WaS...RigHt NexT tO mI, nO ChrIsTLe tO IntErFeRe Or WaDevA...LatEr I WeNt InTo ChriStLe's RooM(fOrcEd tO) N DeCidEd tO SLeeP AgaIn oN ThE FLooR aS TheY PlaYeD CaRds =X AftEr AwHiLe, I DeCiDeD ThE AiR-CoN WaS tOO CoLD, sO I WenT OuT...ChrIsTLe WouLdN'T LeT CassEy iN nEwaYs =P ...WhEn (gotta stop the big small caps...feelin sick...hard to type...)they went to swim, mi and cassey din swim cus i was sick, n she had sum reason too(woldn't tell mi...)sO we juZ HanG AroUnd ThE PooL, Until dis guy came to help them set up their webcam(DiS MeaNs DaT I caN sEE HeR as LonG As ShE's OnLinE =X) BuT then, she went with him to set it up, so i got pretty bored...DoeSn't she know one of the main reasons i go to her house is because of heR?! Neways sat there day dreaming for an hour or so...When she was done, i went up, checked out her com n had second thots about getting my own webcam...Cus' it feels wierd having a camera in front of mi whilst using the computer...LaTer WheN we were having dinner,mi,cassey,my sister,cassey's two brothers and christle were eating at the table...At first it was only mi,cassey and my sister, so we chose our seats,cassey and my sister kept making sure that christle got to sit with mi but i foiled their plan also giving cassey the look(dun kno if she noticed) that "you should know better, its next to you where i wanna sit..."Neways, i sat between her brothers,Christle din sae nethin but i could tell dat she was nt happy...She juz shouted at her brothers to vent her anger...of course i would shield them, but they r poor kids when i'm not around..LoL...After dinner, they went roller blading...In the house...(their house is HUGE)n i played with her brother's car like thingy dat move forward when you turn the steering wheel left n right...Later, we went to Christle's room to play cards,her brothers were wrecking havoc...Her mom sent us home shortly after...when i reached home, i read cassey's blog and found out she had stomachache due to dieting,and she wasn't feeling too well...ThEn also i have to sae that her ex is a bastard(read her blog to find out why...she didn't allow mi to get my frens to beat him tho...wierd)Later in the night,after i had played gunbound with my brutha zach, i chatted awhile with cassey on msn messenger before her telling me that her aunt has has stuff to tell mi...(this parts complicated, so i'll leave it out...)aT First i felt really intimidated,and wanted to hide somewhere when she invited mi into the conversation...after a short chat on the main topic, i was pretty comfortable chatting with her...She's a cool aunt. =D Den i chatted with christle awhile before she called me, cus' her mum wanted to use the com...shortly, somehow, the phone got passed to Cassey... =D We talked for awhile(with christle constantly interrupting in the back) Den Cassey decided that she wanted to sleep, so i i hung up and started to write this blog more than AN HOUR ago?! *SpeeChLess*
:: Neways, Cassey's aunt, i'm not typing all this for you to see what had happened, but sometimes christle does get on my nerves and usually i try my BEST to tolerate... but i exploded that dae when she came along tredding on my toes when i was feeling down..I'm sorry about that day, and i promise i wouldn't scold christle again...I'd ignore her(cassey told mi dats wad u sed i shld do) =D ::
FINALLY after so long, todae's publish is COMPLETE!!! WOOHOO =D
(Friday, November 07, 2003-)
+1:57 AM]*
# -
GRoaN...WoKe Up aT 12 WheN i SlePt aT 5...ReaLLi WanTeD tO SLeeP iN BuT HadTa Go FoR GodDaMneD AppOinTmeNt...NeWaYs, I WaS LucKy EnuFF tO CatCh ThE Mercades(izzat hw u spell merc?)Taxi AT thE TaXi StaNd...(tOOk tWo TaxIs TodAe =X)TheN WeNt tO pS To MeeT MinG WeI AkA ZacHarY Max aT 2+ tO WatCh MatRix...UnLucKiLy, ThE EaRLiesT ShOw WaS FuLL HouSeD, N tHe NexT DiDn'T HaVE GooD SeaTs, sO we HaD tO WasTe MorE ThaN2 HouRs!!!BeForE OuR ShoW aT 5, wE WaLkeD AroUnD,WeNt tO ArCaDe,YaMaHa MusIc StOre, WorLd Of SpoRts EtC....DeN, GraBBeD a BitE At BreaD TaLk BeFoRe GoiN tO YosHinoYa For DiNNeR...I HaD BeeF!ThE MovIe WaS GREAT!!! SomE oF iT WaS PreTTy GoRy, BuT ThE whoLe ShOw WaS ReaL CooL...Pity Trinity died...No WondEr Dere Isn't A NeXt MatRiX MovIe...I'Ve BeeN SpeND AloT oF TimE aT ArCadEs, AnD i FouNd OuT THaT I NeeD aN aVeRaGe oF $20 EvErytiMe i Go FoR MovIEs...NewAyS, I GoTTa WaKe uP aT 7 TmL tO MeeT ZaChaRy FoR BreaKFaST N DeN tO ThE GyM...LatEr abT 10 i ThiNk, i'LL Go tO CaSSeY's HouSe,NoT SurE dO WhaT,MigHt SwiM,MigHt WatCh a VcD...*YaWn* I ThiNk I BeTTa SLeeP...Its AlreaDy 2!! I HaVe LesS ThaN 5 hOuRs tO SLeep...*GrOaN* zzzZZZ

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
(Wednesday, November 05, 2003-)
+10:45 PM]*
# -
WaS A PrEttY GooD DaE toDaE...WeNt To FrEn'S HouSe tO SwIm...DeN WeNt tO ArcAdE...HaD AloT tO SaE,But DuE tO UnFoRsEEn CiRcUmSTaNcEs,I SuDDenLy DO NOT HaVe ThE MooD To Do So...

You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
+12:26 AM]*
# -
Your IQ score is 149. A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".
Your IQ score is based on your scores across 12 distinct aspects of intelligence. Like everyone, you have a unique intellectual makeup, with strengths and weaknesses that affect your methods of understanding, communication and relating to others. According to your results, your greatest intellectual strength is Logic.
TaKe iT HeRe
(Tuesday, November 04, 2003-)
+11:46 PM]*
# -
You are my best friend
You always will be
Yet sometimes I get mad at you
And you get mad at me
Sometimes I don't understand
Sometimes I don't know what to do
But remember always
That I will forgive you
So please forgive me too...
+4:06 PM]*
# -
Inside my sleeve, I pull out my heart,
handing it to you, "careful it's fragile,
and easily falls apart."
Extending your arms, you take the heart in
your tender warm hands.
It falls into a million shattered pieces - on
the floor it lands.
You begin to bend down to pick it up, sorrow and
sadness in your eyes.
Apologies are not enough.
Looking at you with tears in my eyes,
I ask you not to pick up the pieces of a heart
that has fallen apart.
I am the one who needs to pick up the pieces of
my shattered heart - one by one, piece by piece.
I need to put it together again, some how. some way.
Each piece of my heart has a memory so true.
Each piece of my heart has part of you.
You are the one who is leaving to start a new lease on life.
I'll just be here on my knees picking up the pieces of a
heart that feels like it's being pierced with a knife.
All my tears won't keep you near
All my tears won't mend what's not here.
Again I look at you with a whisper in my voice,
The only way my heart will mend and finally be complete,
is if you and I can come together without being discreet.
You see, what we have here and today, helps me face the
world, with a love for you that gives a glow -
but now, my darling, you made a choice.
My heart is on this floor, shattered and broke.
With each piece I pick up -
I try to let go...
:: DuN HuRt ppL EvEn WheN U R SoRRy ::
+12:01 AM]*
# FeeLin "sonGy" toDaE...HeHeHeHe....-
Why does it feel like night today, something in here's not right today
Why I am so uptight today, paranoia's all I got left
I don't know what stressed me first or how the pressure was fed
But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head
Like a face that I hold inside, a face that awakes when I close my eyes Face that watches every time I lie, face that laughs every time I fall
and watches everything
So I know that when its time to sink or swim
The face inside is hearing me right beneath my skin
Its like I'm paranoid looking over my back
Its like a whirlwind inside of my head
Its like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
Its like the face inside is right beneath my skin
Hey yo, here we go again with the pain I feel isn't real but in my mind
But I find myself in places with names, but not faces
My memory races at speeds hundred degrees
My soul it bleeds devil must have planted the seed
Now it feels like my backs against the wall, I'm taking the fall
Whenever I call nobody's responding at all
But I don't know who I could trust they screaming my name
I need somebody to help me out of the flame
All I'm trying to do is just master me
all I want to do is smoke a blaster beat
but something keeps talking to me consciously
responsibly it keeps haunting me
From dusk till dawn
Everything has something for ya
That voice inside of your head got you projecting Paranoia
cold sweat shining on your face exposing your purpose and if I
ripped off your skin I'll probably find another verse
Its nothing worse than trying to bring yourself up back from the dead
so I advise you listen to that voice in the back of your head
Its like I'm paranoid looking over my back
Its like a whirlwind inside of my head
Its like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
Its like the face inside is right beneath my skin
Its like I'm paranoid looking over my back
Its like a whirlwind inside of my head
Its like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
Its like the face inside is right beneath my skin
The face inside is right beneath your skin
The face inside is right beneath your skin
The face inside is right beneath your skin
The face inside is right beneath your skin
The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
The sun goes down
Its like I’m paranoid..
I feel the light betray me
The sun...
Its like I'm paranoid looking over my back Its like a whirlwind inside of my head
Its like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
Its like the face inside is right beneath my skin
Its like I'm paranoid looking over my back Its like a whirlwind inside of my head
Its like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
Its like the face inside is right beneath my skin
Oh YeA! OnG BaK WaS GREAT!!!! HeHeHeHe... I wanna learn Muay Thai now...*BounCe*
(Monday, November 03, 2003-)
+12:59 PM]*
# BoReD....-
DiS is De FirSt TimE I'M PosTinG iN dE aFTeRNooN!!I'M BorEd As UsuaL...BuT GoiN OuT To WatCh a MovIe...SO WuN b daT bOrEd TodaE...
(Sunday, November 02, 2003-)
+10:19 PM]*
# *ProUD* *ProUD*-
HeHeHeHe...FinaLLy DiD uP thE bLog sO nOw itS nT sO pLaIn =D NeWaYs, DiN dO MucH OthEr DeN SlpIng todAe...O Yea, I WaS AppRoaChED bY DiS gUy tO JoIn TheiR liOn DanCe TrOupE =D BuT i SeD nO...CoZ i WaS PreTTy PiSSeD bY ppL hU kePt PusHinG mI aROunD iN De CroWd, So MucH daT i WanTeD tO gEt ThE HeLL OuTTa De TempLe(WenT WitH mOm,SiS,UncLes,AunT,GraNdMothEr ; I'm NoT ReLigIouS...) DeN WeNt tO GranDmoTheR'S HsE aND SlePt My DaE aWaY... =D GoIn To WatCh OnG BaK(ThaI MoviE, nO i DurN UndaStaNd ThaI,I ReaD sUbs...GreaT MoViE,Or sO i HeaRD...) WitH UncLe ToMorrOw... =D daTs PreTTy MucH waD i DiD TodaE...

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
+2:48 AM]*
# SCreWeD...-
I ThiNk i JuZ ScrEweD uP My bLog...buT i'M tOO TirED tO gO On...If DiS DoesN'T WorK OuT, I'LL ChaNgE TomoRRoW...I ProMisE....

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla