(Thursday, January 22, 2004-)
+8:40 AM]*
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WeLL...sO FasT...ChiNesE NeW YeaR LiaOz...NoT VeRy WeLL PreParEd...DiN GeT HaIr-CuT :'(
ReuNioN DiNNer WaS fuN aS UsuaL...VeRy NoisY, anD VERY cRowDeD....(30 over ppl in small 3 room flat)DranK QuiTe aBiT aLsO...a CuP oF DuNNo WaD iT WaS...PreTTy StronG, a CuP oF ReD WiNe...a BoTTLe oF CarLsBerG...NoT EnuFF...ToDaE MuZ BrinG MySeLf...LatEr DowN DeRe nO MoRe... =D
(Sunday, January 18, 2004-)
+8:33 PM]*
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went shopping for clothes again todae...bought a Billabong surf shorts for $65, Allen Iverson t-shirt for $35 and a shorts from Stege for $45...Bought 2 shirts, 3 t-shirts, 2 shorts, a jeans so far...total, about $300...
haven buy shoes...Deciding on a pair of converse high cut shoe...Gonna try n get that on tuesdae..