(Monday, December 04, 2006-)
+3:27 PM]*
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Ok, once again, I've given my blog a facelift, hopefully you guys like the new design(do feel free to comment on my board). Hopefully also, I'll update regularly.
Lots of things going on for me this month so I'm pretty caught up with everything. Lots of financial issues unsettled, I lost my handphone so I can't contact people and vice versa which sucks a lot since I need my address book badly. And since I won't get my contacts back soon, I won't be able to settle what I have to because I'm leaving for London in a few days. Short notice, so I've got to have my stuff packed and camera equipment settled quick. Luckily our cameras were brought down to Nikon Service Center for cleaning already today, so thats one less thing to worry about. Depending on when I get back, hopefully there are flights available so Jacob and I can extend our stay, I'll be back for Christmas I guess, and will be leaving again for Vietnam after that.