(Tuesday, February 06, 2007-)
+4:16 AM]*
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rahh. i pretty much hung out at brandon's today, before having dinner with him and yoke. annnnnnddddd. we *cough*ate*cough*for*cough*free*cough*. xD kinda funny story hehe.
after that, jacob and chang joined us at my place to play bridge. jacob and brandon were like "no gambling! i'm soo outta here if there is." pfffft. played for awhile, then moved on to mahjong. havent played for some time, but it was good.. taught chang and brandon how to play, with assistance from sam and min. yada yada.. had some ayam penyek for supper before they left.
i got a new cigarette case from chang along with... 6 test tubes. (o.O) eh. what the fuck? they were supposed to be my xmas present(nabei. super late pls.) and my birthday present... i still dont know what the heck am i supposed to do with the test tubes.. i'm a whiskey guy, and even when i mix up drinks they're always for friends, so i've pretty much no use for the test tubes as shot glasses as they said i should.. ah well.
i saw an ad sometime back about Luo Zhi Xiang being in town for a autograph session, but wasn't really interested since it's pretty much staying in line with a horde of babbling fangirls all the way at *gasp. J8. bah. today, i found out that he has a showcase at DXO on the 10th! omg. i'd give and arm and a leg for a pair of tickets! pls! and he's gonna be in town from the 8th til 11th. whoooo. one of my dancing favourites. lol. if only i could absorb alittle bit of his dance skills just by being in his presence. xD oh well. we'll see how that goes.
*before any of you gets the wrong idea, i just really like his dancing.*
(Monday, February 05, 2007-)
+4:31 AM]*
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gahhh. one after another tv show that invloves food got my stomach grumbling for some as well. i skipped dinner cus had late brunch at crystal jade, taka with my family, like 5pm?
anyways brandon bailed on me for supper and jacob had work later so he wanted to stay home, so there goes my supper kakis. i decided to make some soup since i was too lazy to make anything else, but there was only like potato and roasted garlic or something like that. bleh. those kinda soup gets really icky after a while. when i was done preparing soup and bread, i went to the fridge to grab some juice, and there it was, 2 six inch subs. GAH. DAMN! oh well.
+2:32 AM]*
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I'm so close to dedicatating a whole blog entry to what I think about you.
Perhaps I already have.
When I'm typing this out, I've probably already gotten in too deep.
And whilst I'm trying to keep all the thoughts in my head, instead of buckling under it all, I'm afraid I have or I may do something I'll regret later on.
(Sunday, February 04, 2007-)
+9:36 PM]*
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ahh. my room's in a mess(more so than usual). I tried packing my wardrobes, and i ended up with a pile of clothes to be given away that comes up to my hips.
that tall pile in the middle.

not including the Arsenal towel of course.

and yeah. some of will go to friends who want them, the rest will go to the charity of my mum's choice i guess. *shrugs. anything's fine with me and i dont know any where to bring the clothes to anyway.
more space in the wardrobes = more new clothes i hope. =D
today, i was out shopping in town, i got so irritated that i couldnt find any nice clothes, for a brief moment i had the urge to just buy something. anything. x.x
i was looking for another pair of jeans, and a polo tee at least. and i didnt have enough for the pair i wanted, not to mention yoke and jacob wants to get jeans and stuff, so i'll join them for jeans. and i couldnt find any nice polo tees in my size. i saw 2 really sweet julius & friends tees, i've been eyeing one for quite some time now, but it only came in an awful shade of teal and a super sheer white. the other was only available in s and xl. pfffft. not my day. i'm sticking to shopping on weekdays.