Input. ->
DeCiDeD tO gO tO MeI's ConCeRt(oR WaDeVa iT iS)...toTaLLy WasTeD mY TiMe ThErE...SigHs...ThE MinI AudItOriuM...ShLd ChanGe iTs NaMe tO "TeeNiE TinY MInI AuDiToRiuM" StuPiD PLaCe WaS AbT tHe SiZe Of mY LiVinG RooM...HeR PeRfOrManCe LasTeD LikE 1min?...WeNt tO MaC's AftEr ThaT...
AfTeR EaTinG...CaSSeY n HeR SiS, DeY WeNt HoMe, Mi, Mindy, Mei aNd ZacH WaNteD tO gO To PaViLioN FoR PooL, BuT ZacH FeLt SicK sO He WeNt HomE FirSt...WeNt tO PaViLioN, SaW ChickeN MaN n HiS FrEnS...DeCiDeD tO PlaY CouNteR-StRiKe InsTeaD oF PooL...
MoM CaMe tO PicK uS uP...HavInG BaD HeaDacHe AnD StomaChaChe...MoM N SiS ArGuInG...KaOz...
ReaCheD HomE, UsED CoM...WeNt tO ToiLeT MaNy tiMeS *BLeaH* PLaYeD gb aLiTTLe...StUpiD CoNNeCtioN iS PiSSinG mE oFF...GoTTa FiX ThE CoNNeCtIoN TmL...ItS GoiN oN aNd oFF ALoT... *GruMbLeS* QuiCkLy TyPinG DiS...SCaReD DaT I'LL geT CuT oFF...
FiNaLLy GoNNa GeT My EaR PiErCeD TmL =) OnI DaD DoeSn'T KnoE...HeHs...HoPe i FeeL BeTTeR TmL =S
[[Accessible Leaf]]
You show a sincere interest in what people says,
but you dont let them dictate your choices. you
have loads of self-confidence and others are
attracted to you because of that. you probably
often find strangers smiling at you because you
give off the vibe that you're comfortable in
your skin, open to conversation, and happy to
help. people come to you for advice and invite
you to events becoz you are the type of lively
guest that help spice things up. the secret to
your irresistibility? your genuine interest in
others. and please rate! =)
Are You Friendly Or Frosty? (Find out what vibes you are sending out to others around you! Friendly carebear, or Frosty snowman?)
brought to you by Quizilla
WeNt tO MarKeT tO BuY StuFF fOr BBq...StuPiD FishMonGeR LooKeD sO CocKY...DiN LikE Dat GuY...BougHt ALoT oF StUff...I tHink...Too TiReD tO ReMeMbeR...
WaNteD tO CoMe HomE AnD SLeeP FirsT...BuT StuPiD LioNeL ScRewED uP...WeNt tO SkooL 12hrs EarLieR aaT 9am tO MeeT YaN HaN...SiGhS...PpL In My HsE bY 10+...CouLdn'T GeT SLeeP...ZaCh WenT HomE tO SLeeP(LucKy Ass)...
WenT tO PlaY BaskEtBaLL aT CoMMuNiTy CeNtRe...RaInInG ALittLe...DaMn SLiPPerY...ZacH CaMe tO MeeT Us TheRe...
WenT BacK HomE tO PlaY oN ps2....
SlaCkeD ArounD UntiL 8...DeN StaRteD tO SeT-uP ThE FiRe....
StUpiD PpL...DiN eaT ThE FooD....LeaVe sO MucH LefT BeHinD...WeNt tO WatcH ExoRcisT...I WaS LaUghInG n SLeePy...
WeNt baK tO BBQ aFteR ThE MoviE...Khim Kie AnD Chicken Man came tO PlaE MaHjonG....
PoRk RiBs WeRE GReaT...ShaReD a SeaT WitH meI....CuLdn'T PLaE...ToO TiReD...sO LeT HeR PLaE, dEn ShE LosT ALL ThE MoneY....SiGhS...
BetWeeN 4am-6.0am, I FeLL AsLeeP, AnD DurNo WaD HaPPeNeD DeN...DroWsY...DurNo WaD tO Do...
GoNNa gO SLeeP SooN...HoPeFuLLy...
atE SuM FooD, SuppOsED tO LeaVe At 1.15, tO ReaCh thE MrT staTioN At 1.30....at 1, DiN HavE NetHIn To Do, So I LieD DowN ON ThE SoFa To ReaD ThE Tv Guide...I FeLL AsLeeP! LoLs...WokE uP aT 1.40 To RuSh tO Mrt StaTioN...DaMn TiReD...SLeePiLy WaLkeD...NeW Pants ToO LoOsE FoR Mi...
WeNt tO SunTeC To WatCh LooNeY TunEs...WaLkEd ArOuNd BeFoRe ThE Movie...SaW A PosTeR I ReaLLi LikEd...BuT The MaTerIaL WaS nOt rigHt...PaPeR...SuReLy TeaR EasILy DuE tO ThE HaRsH EnViRomEnT ItS GoNNa Be PuT In - mY RooM....SigHs...WaNteD tO geT a BeLt CuS PaNtS TOO LOOSE...WaLkeD ArOunD ThE WhoLe Of SunTeC In SeaRcH oF A beLt I LikE...DiN BuY One In De EnD, BuT KiLLeD ALoT oF TimE...
ThE MovIe WaS WaTcH-AbLe, PrEttY FuNNy, yeT SuMthInG WaS BuGGinG Me aT ThE BacK oF mY MinD...WaSn'T AbLe tO ReaLLi ConCeNTraTe...
WaLkeD ArOunD AloT MorE WaItInG FoR My MoM tO LeaVe ThE OFFicE, anD MeeT Us aT PArKwaY PaRaDe...
WeNt tO Giant Superstore(or wadeva its called) tO ShoP FoR BBQ StuFF...DiN ReaLLi KnoE waD tO geT...So GraBBeD ALiTTLe oF EacH...SaW BraNDoN AnD HiS FrIeNd ALsO...
PaiD...$150...WeNt tO CaRparK...CouLdn'T FinD CaR...I WaS SiTTinG On ThE TroLLeY, ZacH PusHinG iT...ZooMeD ArouND ThE CaRparK LikE SuM minI caR... =)
CaMe HomE...UseD coM...CaSSeY, GoT SaD...WhoLe DaE SaD 1 LeIs...HaiZ...PlayeD GuNBounD WitH ZheN n ComPaNy...UnTiL TwO+...AtE JunK FooD, UseD CoM...NoW ItS 6.40 ALReDi...GoNNa Go MarKeT In AwHiLeS TiMe FoR riBs n StuFF...
SigHs...WiLL BLoG AgaIn ToniTe....SumWaY, SumHoW.... =)
StOmacH StiLL HurTinG...AdVicE FroM GeRRi iS tO SeeK a DoC SooN...WiLL Do ThaT...aT LeasT mY HeaRt iS SLowLy HeaLinG NoW... =)
Totally no sense of time todae...Chatted with many ppl...Aunts n uncles, cousins came..Cute baby cousin...
Me n Debbie stayed upstairs for quite awhile using the coms...
Dinner...Me,tangie,botak,debbie,pebble,mei were at the table...Lots of laughter...Jing Jing(bb cousin) came into kitchen, more laughter...
Mingled around until the crowd went home...Returned to com...Chatted...Kaoz..Fren Din wanna come for the bbq on tuedae...Dun care abt him liaos...Stupid ego...Cassey ended up not being able to come too..HaiZ...
Played gunbound...Doing alot of meaningless stuff dese few daes...
Too much to sae, too little enthusiasm to write it all out...One of dese daes i will...B prepared...LoLs...
Kk...Go sleep le...Tired...Goin to watch Looney Tunes with my brutha tml...Juz the both of us as usual...
Stomach hurtin...For how long?2, 3 days probably...Din tell neone, doubt neone wuld care either...Sad yet unable to express it...Retarded expressions of sadness Probably gives the illusion that I'll be ok after awhile...if that was so, things would b much easier...Can't fully tell neone how I'm feeling...Trying to reassure everyone that I'm ok, trying not to burden anyone, making them worry about me...But i guess I've done that by adding all these to my blog...My fingers...Durno wads happening to them...Unable to type properly...I'm looking at the keyboard to type...yet my fingers dun go where they should...When they should, sumtimes, sumway, sumhow, they juz dun have enuff strength to press down on the keyboard...Getting pissed easily by anyone...Cass, dun mind me when u feel I'm getting pissed...Can't control myself...But sometimes, every word you sae either pierces thru my healing and forgetting heart, or enrages me...Let me know if u think I'm getting aggressive, so I'll calm down...thnx ah...
As if you were born into a world of tears, you
always tend to look at the darker things in
life. Inside you crave attention yet push away
society, and you're a hopeless romantic. Drawn
to things like the occult and mysteries, you
spend your time daydreaming of "What
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
Whoa...Sumhow, all my quiz results r similar..LoLs
Todae...Woke up at 11.30...KaoZ...Din go training...sure kena on tuesdae...Dad din wake mi...
Went to marine parade to eat, bought sum clothes...Den went to have my hair cut...Stupid woman...so rough with my hair >=(
Wanted to go to Far east to shop...But after renting so many vcds...Decided to stay home n watch...Grandmother came..Played mahjong...
Watched Taxi3 and Yamakasi(watched b4...but still enjoyed)...
Came upstairs to chat and play gunbound...Damn hungry...Made new fren...=) her name's Estee...Nice name...Realli unique...She's 19...LoLs...Older gal again...
Decide i better sleep b4 everyone wakes up...
*YawNz* zzzZZ