(Saturday, October 18, 2003-)
+12:19 AM]*
# HeyLo....-
FeeLiN abIt StRanGe TodaE...I DuN FeeL LyKe LeTTiN AniOnE StoP Me FrOm DoiNg WaD I wAnnA Do...NewAys, mY HouSe HaS 2 ChiCkeNs(Dun AsK Y...)DeSe ChiCkeNs R sO FaT & cutE (^.^)...hehehe hope grandMothER DoeSn'T CoOk'Em..LoL jk...NeWaYS, HeLD BacK In SkOoL HaLL FoR HaLF aN HouR, We DiDn'T GiVe a HooT tHO...wE WeRe Nt GivInG To TeaChEr's ThreaTs HAHAHA....WE WRECKED HAVOC IN THE HALL!!!!WOOOHOOO!!!ThE TeacHeR HaD nO ChOicE BuT To ComE AnD DisMiss uS HEHEHE...NeWaYS,NeED sLeEp SuddEnLy...zzzZZZ
DAMN QUIZ SITE SERVER DOWN....SoRRi...nO QuiZ ResuLt ToDaE...HeHeHe...TmL ok....
(Friday, October 17, 2003-)
+12:39 AM]*
# DaILy QuIz...-
StaRTiNg TodaE(NitE...WadEva) ApaRt FrOm My UsuaL bLoggInG, DerE'LL B A QuiZ daiLy ToO...HEHEHE...

You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying.
"And The Vampire was all that remained on
the blood drowned creation. She attempted to
regrow life from the dead. But as she was
about to give the breath of life, she was
consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the
cycle began again."
Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek)
and Isis (Egyptian).
The Vampire is associated with the concept of
death, the number 9, and the element of fire.
Her sign is the eclipsed moon.
As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic
individual. You may be a little idealistic,
but you are very grounded and down to earth.
You realize that not everything lasts, but you
savor every minute of the good times. While
you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you
have strong ties with people that will never be
broken. Vampires are the best friends to have
because they are sensible.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
+12:25 AM]*
# StiLL TireD...-
OMFG!!! Can'T BlivE DaT i Woke uP At 11 TodAe...WADDA wAstE...ANyWaYs ChaTTeD FrM 11 tO 2+ DeN BatHeD DeN WeNt OuT FoR mY DrUm LessOns...ReaLLy CoOL ThiNg WaS WhEn I PlaY DruMs Nw, I CaN easILy FoLLoW ryThEm...My hanDs SorTa AutoMatiCaLLy MovE tO thE DruMs AfTEr I PracTiceD A PartIcuLar PaRt...AHAHA <= PrO DruMMeR In ThE MakInG LOL.....RaN IntO CLaSSmAte aT UniTeD SquaRE toO...NtH MucH HapPenED LatER...BUT, I'm VerY PisSeD By ThE SkoOL...OthEr SkOOLs HavE 2 ResT DaEs AftEr ExaMs, Why Do wE OnI HavE 1?!?!?! FucKiNg RuMouR waS DaT DeRe WaS a PuBLiC CanIng ScHeDuLeD...DaT BeTTa NoT be ThE REasOn...
(Thursday, October 16, 2003-)
+1:25 AM]*
# TiReD.....-
LoL as i expected....todae, i'm too tired to even type in my usual big small letters....zzzZZ....NeeD SleeP.....zzZZ...WiLL TyPe MorE TmL.....
(Monday, October 13, 2003-)
+11:25 PM]*
# LoL...FunNy DaE....-
ToDaE Is ThE DaE WhErE mY TiReDNeSS Is AbOUt tO CliMaX...I ReCkOn oN WeDnesDaE nIghT AfTeR HavInG LoTsO Fun WiTH FreNz To CeLeBratE EnD oF ExAmS, I WiLL BreAk DowN AnD JuZ FaLL AsLeep BatHinG...neWaYs, I'm WaTchiNg tHe(stoppping the big small letters for awhile...last finger hurtin from alwasy pressing the shift key...=P) ePiC FinaLe oF SmaLLviLLe...ThE FunnIeSt tHinG daT HappEneD(oops...i'm back to the big small letters....i think its habitual now...) tOdAe was DaT My MoM's CaR BroKe DowN, deN mY daD DroVe almoSt an HouR deRe, bUt tHe CaR WaS LocKed As My MoM LockEd It Frm InsiDe,BuT leFt ThE caR tO mAke a PhOne CaLL, accIdenTLy LocKing It FroM ThE InSidE, So My DaD DroVe BacK, GoT ThE KeyS, AnD dRovE to WhErE shE waS(3hours already)...AfTer He ReaCheS, ThEy goTta WaiT foR thE caR to GeT fiXeD,And DriVe an Hour BacK aGaIn...(EsTimaTed DuRatIoN By tHen ; 5Hrs)...waHaHaHaAHAHAH....poOR daD.....AnYwAys, G2G....

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
(Sunday, October 12, 2003-)
+3:52 PM]*
# TireD.....VeRy.....-
Ok....I SlepT AT 6am(eating steamboat at 5, first time evr...FeLt GrEaT ThO...WaS RaiNiNg AnD ThE SteaMBoaT WarMeD Me Up tO GeT ReaL cOmFy FoR SleeP...)BuT I wOke Up BeForE I couLd GeT ResteD....NewaYs I GoTTa Study LykE HeLL TodaE FoR ExamS To GeT A Maths...65 MarKs...Shldn't B ToO HarD...Yea RiTe...*GLoOM* nEwaYs, By WeDnEsdAe AftErNoON ThOu ShaLL B FreE, FreE FroM ThIs HeLL ThaT HaS SePeraTeD ThE OnE FroM ThE EteRnaL PleaSurE Of FreEDoM....