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(Wednesday, January 10, 2007-) +4:16 PM]*
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ahhh. 18th birthday. kevin's. out for dinner last night at pizza hut, after that we hung around suntec's fountain of wealth. ironically, i was doing maths questions there with yixuan because kelly didnt know/want to do her work.
definitely gonna sound like a mac fanboy, but the fact is, macs are better.
Let me get this straight; Microsoft isn't all bad. Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc. are all wonderfully built programs that I use on my Mac. Microsoft Windows 98 wasnt bad. Microsoft XP, and 2000 I really dislike though. They are virus magnets. I go to Google and I have 5 new virus. My Mac, (that I've had for about 5 years now) is working as if it was brand new. No errors, no delayed speed. In this 5 years, my Mac has hung 2 times.
the most exciting thing that's happened this year so far has got to be the keynote address of macworld 2007. apple has been doing well last year and definitely will be doing well this year.
itunes sales are up - don't know why they say they're down in 2005 614m songs were sold, over 2 billion songs sold by last year, thats 5 million songs a day, 58 songs a second, every second of every hour of every day. new partner, paramount - over 250 titles offered currently.
the zune. anybody knows the microsoft zune? no? if you've only heard of it and think its better than the ipod, it isnt.
the apple tv, media on your tv. if you've got a widescreen tv(or not), just hook up the apple tv and you'll be able to enjoy whatever you have in itunes on your tv! system specs look good; usb2 ethernet wifi - b, g + n hdmi 420gb hd intel chip
shipping in february - taking orders starting today, USD$299.
" ... every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. and apple has been very fortunate recently, 1984 - first mac 2001 - first ipod 2007 - introducing 3 revolutionary products ... "
what blew me away during the keynote last night was this;
1st, widescreen ipod with touch controls 2nd, revolutionary mobile phone 3rd, breakthrough internet communicator
in one device.
The iPhone. *image from www.apple.com*
apple got rid of the buttons and made a giant screen. stylus control? pfffft. nobody wants stylus control. use your fingers. patented multitouch system - far more accurate, ignores unintended touches and multifinger gestures. guess what? the iphone runs on OS X. =) breakthrough technology, "5 years ahead of anything" the iphone syncs all your media with itunes just like your ipod. 3.5 inch screen, 160 pixels per inch, and its thinner than 1.75cm.
only thing i think they can improve on is the battery life. 16hours just for audio, 5 hours if in use. i'm not familiar with battery lifes, but that feels awfully short. which is not unexpected since there is so much in one device.
8GB model - $599 4GB model - $499
after FCC approval which takes 2 months and then production of the unit, available in the US in June, Europe 4th quarter of the year and Asia in 2008. ='(
i can go on and on but probably just 5% of whom i know reads this blog will be interested, so just msn me or something if you want more.
and by the way, Apple Computer, Inc. will now be Apple, Inc. which is pretty logical since out of the mac, the ipod, appletv and the iphone, only one is a computer.
"The iPod changed everything in 2001," he said. "and we're going to do it again with the iPhone in 2007."
mmm. nothing specific to blog about at all. just felt that i had to do so since i've not been doing so and gerard has been religiously blogging. first of all happy new year everyone. =) so that was a little late, but always better than never right? anyways nothing major is going on, except for the fact that gerard is more or less living with us now.
no school, i've been bumming around day to day, hopefully i get a job soon. help me keep a lookout for a job at ig's heaven in parkway pls. xD well, apart from that i'll still work so long as the pay is good. I JUST WANT A DECENT JOB SO I CAN QUIT BUMMING. i've been sharpening my dota skills recently, hopefully i get a tad bit better soon. haha.
oh and since i'm ever so free, anyone wanna hangout? even if its just for a cuppa, call me! =)