(Thursday, December 04, 2003-)
+2:50 PM]*
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(Wednesday, December 03, 2003-)
+4:31 AM]*
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Broken and Gone
It’s been a long time since we last saw each other,
The gap between us has since gotten further.
Images of the good times stay in my mind,
helping us to strengthen our bind.
But all that has been lost in our past,
cause we both know our love for each other would never last.
Done By : nitecruiser
+4:25 AM]*
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SigHs.....BeeN tOo LaZy tO bLog de PasT FeW DaEs.....WatCheD a MovIe oN SunDaE, StaYeD OvEr aT CousIn'S HouSe...
CaMe HomE, PLaYed CoM, XboX...WooHoo...GoRt XbOx ALreDi...DeCiDeD AGainST GeTTiN pS2, CuZ pS3 goNNa ComE OuT iN '05... So I'm GoNNa SaVe uP...
MaNy ThinGs HaPPeneD DeSe FeW DaEs...GoT PiSSeD WitH SuM1...ErMs GoT neW GaMe SySteM, BouGht NeW StuFF, ReaLLy BroKe NoW...=P
NoT bLogGeD FoR LonG tImE...HoPe My EnTrieS GeT LoNgEr oVeR TiMe....