(Tuesday, April 17, 2007-)
+4:39 AM]*
# -
o.k..... first off, previous clubbing photos ..
me and edward, getting ready to do some serious fishing!
me and edward in 54, MOS
me, edward and dorven in 54, MOS
next, photos from sunday night when we catched phantom of the opera. on the whole, it was really good. the band was superb, as were the cast. the set was brilliantly designed, very beautiful(i secretly took a shot, but abit of it got blocked by someone). the "crashing" chandelier didn't exactly crash, but it was still very nicely done. can't say much about the plot as i've known the story since i was around 5?
all that you see, that does not belong to the esplanade, it was built.
kiat and me, intermission
the conductress' songsheet.
opened up, its the size of regular newspaper opened up. maybe taller!
i've got a few more photos from that night. will put them up once i get hold of them. meanwhile, i've got a job at kandibar. do pop by and visit. =) and then i'm freelancing as an assistant coach for inline skating as well. do enquire if interested. heh.
now that i've gotten better, take care everyone!