(Wednesday, February 04, 2004-)
+9:38 PM]*
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+9:11 PM]*
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ok...dis post is basically all about william hung...if you don't know, he's an american idol contestant...really sad case...but i think he totally rocks anyway...
i collected all the links i could find on him...check them out if you have time...i tink he's a really nice guy, although he can't sing or dance for nuts, he's got really good attitude...giving his best, and having no regrets...
CheCk DiS OuT!
...and here's a remix of his "She Bangs" performance
william hung mania continues. the latest is this radio interview that Star 100.7FM did with william. not only is the american idol rejectee down-to-earth candid, but he was such a good sport, singing phil colllins' "two worlds" for the radio DJs.apparently, he's getting to be a regular celeb on campus, where I'm still waiting to see my proposed t-shirt: "He Bangs!: I Hang With Hung" appear.if you haven't seen the footage of william yet, here's a windows media file see how he takes his criticism like an adult, unlike all those weepy whiners who walked out, crying like babies, because simon said some mean words.
here's another - > dis dude rawks!
(Tuesday, February 03, 2004-)
+9:26 PM]*
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BaH~! I DiN GeT ne CaLLs AbouT mi GeTTinG SacKeD.... HaIz...ThoT i CouLd SLacK ArounD Le...GuEss NorT... NeWaYs, PLayeD GunBounD....BLARDY HELL~! WoN OnE GaMe OnLi...DamN i GeTTinG LouSieR DeN LousY...HaiZ HaVe tO SorT OuT WheN tO WatcH WhaT MoViE WitH WHoM...aLoT oF MoViEs, aLoT oF PeoPLe, LittLe TiME....BLeaH~! I ACTUALLY PASSED MY AMATHS! WOOHOO~! 12...HAHAHA MoRe DeN ZacH SuMMoRe...tOO BaD i CoCked uP aT ThE StarT oF 8 oR iSSiT 9 MarK QuesTioN..arBo, GeT FuLL MarKs Le...
+6:27 AM]*
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sO LonG DiN bLoG Le...NeWaYs, ThE imPorTanT ThinG iS ThaT mY SoftBaLL CoacH HaS DeCiDeD tO SacK mI...sO I'm GoiN tO SkooL NoW, iF i GeT SacKeD, i'LL CoMe BacK anD YoU PpL KnoW OKaE~!