(Monday, January 26, 2004-)
+12:07 AM]*
# -
DuN KnoW WhY i EvEn BoThEr tO bLog...iS aNyoNe InTeResTeD aT aLL?
my dae was fun, apart from trying realli hard to block out unhappy thoughts...
found out that its my chinese birthday....lol...but i dun realli care...
went out bowling...got realli frustrated...usually i'm juz lousy...but todae, i was terrible...den, went to arcade, but i barely played...fuck...sat down to play king of fighters wid eng kiat, spent onli 1 credit...den had to leave...very pissed...
reached home, played on the xbox for hours...hands realli hurting...heck care...i trained realli hard at a particular game, yet i got trashed badly...very very frustrated...why do i even bother anyways?everyone left before my birthday cake was cut...how nice...
i suck at everything...
not done any of my homework...school starts tomorrow...
(Sunday, January 25, 2004-)
+1:54 AM]*
# ScReW ThE WorLd...-
StewPiD DaE...WoKe uP, BatHeD, DeN MuM's FReNs CaMe...GoT mY AnGBaOs... =D GoT QuiTe FrusTraTeD CuS oF BeiN StuCk aT HoMe...LuCkiLy LaTer, TanGiE DroVe mE tO mY AunT's PLaCe WheRe i HaD a BowL oF PePPeR CraBs, CaN oF TiGeR BeeR(YucKs) anD SuM CocKTaiL b4 wE LeFt tO GotO PasiR RiS, anD TheN BooNLaY...aT mY unCLe'S HousE, HaD a LittLe BiT oF FooD, LiKe FeW PieCes oF MeaT...DuNNo y, BuT nO AppeTiTe ToDaE...DeN, WenT tO aNoTheR unCLe's HouSe...PLaYeD CaRd GaMes...DraNk WiNe, n HeiNiKeN [i LiKe DaT BeTTeR =)]
ReachEd HoMe aBt 12.40, SenT AunT HoMe FroM BooNLaY tO PasiR RiS, BeFoRe CominG HomE aT KemBangAn...
FaLLinG asLeeP ProVes tO Be toO HarD a TasK FoR Me ToNighT(NoT tO MenTioN LasT NighT)...DuNNo WhY, BuT ThouGhTs aRe FLooDinG mY MinD...
StoMacHacHe...ShouLdn'T HaVe DranK sO MucH oN EmpTy StoMacH...HaiZ...